torsdag 13. mars 2008

And now to something completely different

Since Klokka still is effectively barred from her own blog, she is trying to surpass the sensorship by means of foreign language. This may or may not work. She is not certain. She tries.

Henceforth it shall be known that she is working hard at all she must, and knows that she is under surveilance and evaluation at all times. She has no comment on this particular fact. Were she to suddenly be freed from the surpressing abstract dictatorship under which she is currently subjected, the world would learn by this unexpectadly and unknowingly.

The apparent contradiction is, by nature, a tautology.

tysdag 11. mars 2008

Femtesides-VM eller Nestbeschmutzer

The Times, Monday March 10. 2008, page 5:

British humour scored one significant victory yesterday with news that a long-running comic series about the wartime occupation of France has been sold to a nation with a reputation for being among the most humourless in Europe. After years of hammering at a closed door, the BBC has finally sold 'Allo 'Allo to the Germans.
